Services & Pricing

Knife Sharpening

$9 ea. normal or serrated

Scissor Sharpening

$9 ea.

(I do not sharpen barber/salon or pet grooming shears that have a convex edge yet but I do plan to soon. If you’re interested in this let me know.)

Gardening Tools

Pruners, Loopers, Small plant nippers $9 ea.

Hedge shears $12 ea.

Axes, hatchets, machetes $10 ea. ($15 if heavily chipped/damaged)

Lawn mower blades $10 ea. (Must be taken off the mower)

Woodworking Tools

Wood Chisels $9 ea.

Gouges $9 ea.

Hand plane blades $10 ea.

(Please remove plane blades from the plane body)

If you have something that is not listed feel free to send an email or call.

Knife Repair

Broken Tips $5 ea.

Refinishing wood handles with tung oil $5 ea.

Pick up/delivery

Pick up/delivery from your home or business is no extra cost with a three items sharpened minimum. Less than three add $5

Business customers

Call or send an email if you need special arrangements or would like to set up a routine sharpening schedule for your business. Bulk pricing discount is available depending on how many or how often you need the service.

Pick up/delivery at no extra charge

with a minimum of three items sharpened