Sharpening Request
How it Works
Schedule a pick up and tell me how many knives/tools you would like sharpened.
Your knives/tools will be picked up on the scheduled date. Sharpened and returned the next day.
The invoice will be emailed after pick up on the evening of your pick up date. You can pay using the link in the email. If you would like to pay with cash or check instead, I can pick that up when returning your sharpened items the next day.
How to prepare your knives for transport
An easy way to protect your knives for transport is to roll them in a dish towel or newspaper. You can roll multiple knives together just make sure you have enough cloth in-between so they don’t scratch each other.
Business customers
Call or send an email if you need special arrangements or would like to set up a routine sharpening schedule for your business.
Areas we service:
Blacksburg, Virginia
Christiansburg, Virginia
City of Radford, Virginia
Shawsville/Elliston, Virginia
We hope to add more areas in the future.